Hellooo fellow Cycle-Breaker!!

I’m so glad you’re here!!

These times we’re in are wild…aren’t they?

Listen, I know what it’s like to feel completely overwhelmed by emotions, unsure how to process them, or just push them down enough to get through the day. I’ve been there, feeling stuck and dissociated, disconnected from my body and the world around me.

For the first 30 years of my life, I lived through nonstop chaos – toxic relationships, messy family dynamics, and the dark grip of addiction, both mine and others close to me. I spent years lashing out, suppressing emotions, and turning to drugs and alcohol as an escape. My world crumbled when my best friend was tragically killed, sending me into the deepest grief of my life, but also opening the door to my healing journey through yoga and breathwork.

Now, after almost a decade of self-discovery, emotional healing, and unlearning, I’ve developed a profound understanding of how emotions shape our energy, our choices, and our lives. I’ve realized that mastering our emotions is the foundation for everything we desire: a fulfilling life, meaningful relationships, and true personal freedom.

I’ve been through the fire, and I’ve come out on the other side with the wisdom and experience to help you transform your life like I have mine. It is my honor to show you how to reconnect with your body and emotions so you can finally live the life of your dreams.

Here’s to feeling fully!

The Emotion Codes: From Suppression to Expression is a transformational journey that teaches you how to avoid external influences and over-commitment and choose your full body F@#$ YES.

This program is expertly designed to help you reconnect with your body, understand your emotions, and learn how to feel in empowering, uplifting ways.

Because remember…when you master your emotions, you unlock your potential.

Why Mastering Your Emotions Matters

Your emotions are the gateway to your vitality and energy. When you learn how to feel in productive ways, you unlock your ability to live more fully, connect more deeply with others, and experience life to the fullest.

The Experience

  • Life-Changing Workshops

    We’ll gather for five deep, insightful modules focused on understanding and mastering your emotions. These sessions will guide you in exploring how to {re}connect with your body, recognize your emotional patterns, and transform how you experience and process your feelings.

  • Weekly Take-home Practices

    Every week, you’ll receive practices designed to help you integrate the teachings into your daily life. These exercises will support you in building emotional awareness, nurturing your inner vitality, and learning how to process emotions in ways that empower you rather than drain you.

  • Experiential Breathwork Journeys

    You’ll participate in four transformative breathwork sessions that will help you release emotional blockages, connect deeply with your body, and tap into your natural life force energy. These sessions are designed to help you feel more alive, centered, and connected to yourself.

Plus…in The Emotion Codes, you’ll be part of a supportive community of like-hearted beings who, like you, are ready to improve their relationships and break free from cycles of suppression, addiction, & self-sabotage. Together, you’ll create a safe, nurturing space where you can explore your feelings, share your experiences, and grow in ways you never knew possible.

Together you’ll find...

  • A Sense of Belonging

    Feel the support of a community that truly understands your journey. Here, you are seen, heard, and valued for who you are.

  • A Safe Space to Explore

    Experience the freedom to explore your emotions in a space that is compassionate, non-judgmental, and focused on growth.

  • The Power of Collective Healing

    Benefit from the collective energy of the group as you heal, grow, and transform together, amplifying each other’s progress.

You’ll learn how to ...

  • Reconnect with Your Body

    Discover the power of somatic practices, like yoga and breathwork, to help you stay grounded and present in your body. Psst.. that's the key to unlocking fulfilling relationships, loving your job, and having vibrant health.

  • Process Emotions Productively

    Understand how to move through difficult emotions like anger, sadness, and fear in ways that empower you rather than overwhelm you. Learn how to use these emotions as tools for growth and transformation.

  • Restore Your Life Force Energy

    By learning how to feel and process your emotions, you’ll release the blockages that drain your energy and keep you feeling stuck. Then you get to experience greater vitality, motivation, and overall well-being.

  • Build Emotional Resilience

    Strengthen your ability to navigate life’s challenges with emotional resilience, allowing you to respond to life’s ups and downs with grace and confidence. Life will always have downs. It's what you do with them that matters!!

 "Being seen and loved for who you are, even in your darkest of dark corners is truly where healing begins. Jenna created the space and environment for all of us to feel safe, dig deep, and have unique unforgettable experiences. I have friendships that will last a lifetime from this group and have made such HUGE shifts within my life that there really is no going back, there is only forward from here."

— Shannon W.

  • You’re ready to reconnect with your body and emotions.

  • You’re craving a strong sense of self-worth and confidence so you can own your magic and create impact.

  • You want to feel more alive, motivated, and energized in your daily life.

  • You crave a safe, supportive community that understands your journey.

  • You’re tired of feeling overwhelmed by your emotions and want to learn how to process them productively.

  • You’re ready to reclaim your life force energy and live with greater fulfillment, ease, and empowerment.

  • You know a strong connection to your internal compass allows for intuitive decision-making that aligns you with your intended path and purpose.

This is for you if:

  • You’re not ready or willing to dive deep into your emotional landscape and confront the feelings you’ve been avoiding.

  • You're looking for surface level programs, quick fixes or one-time solutions without putting in the work.

  • You’re only interested in intellectual or theoretical approaches without connecting to your body and emotions.

  • You’re uncomfortable with the idea of sharing your journey in a group setting or don’t see value in collective healing.

  • You're not ready to prioritize your emotional well-being and invest time, energy, and resources into your personal growth.

This is not for you if:

The Modules

Module 1: Emotional Foundations

  • Establish the foundation for your emotional journey by creating a shared commitment to learning how to feel in a healthy way. This module focuses on developing agreements and repatterning childhood trauma, providing a safe and supportive framework for emotional growth. You'll gain a strong foundation for emotional healing, setting the stage for deeper work and meaningful transformation.

Module 2: Embodied Awareness

  • Learn the essential skill of tracking sensations in your body, the first step in truly feeling your emotions. This module teaches you to identify and connect with physical sensations, making you aware of how your body communicates emotions. You’ll develop the ability to tune into your body’s signals, laying the groundwork for deeper emotional awareness and understanding.

Module 3: The Power of Emotion

  • Discover the crucial role that emotions play in your life and why mastering the art of feeling is the key to achieving everything you desire. This module reveals how emotional awareness is foundational to your well-being, relationships, and overall fulfillment. You'll understand the transformative power of emotions and why developing this skill is essential for living a fulfilled and authentic life.

Module 4: Decoding Triggers

  • Explore the root causes of your emotional reactions by reflecting on the triggers that set them off. This module helps you identify recent events, thoughts, or memories that contribute to your emotional state, enabling you to better understand and manage your responses. You’ll gain insight into your triggers, empowering you to navigate emotional challenges with greater clarity and control.

Module 5: Emotional Alchemy

  • Delve into the process of emotional alchemy by mining your feelings for the valuable insights they offer. This module teaches you to process emotions by accepting, welcoming, and understanding their purpose in your life. You’ll learn to extract wisdom from your emotions, transforming challenges into personal growth and self-discovery.

Join us from anywhere in the world.

We will meet via Zoom.

Space limited to 20 participants for an intimate group connection.

  • All workshops will be on Saturdays from 2-4pm via Zoom in AZ time.

    October 19th - Opening Ceremony

    October 26th - Module 1

    November 2nd - Breathwork

    November 16th - Module 2

    November 23rd - Breathwork

    December 7th - Module 3

    December 14th - Breathwork

    December 21st - Module 4

    January 4th - Module 5

    January 11th - Breathwork

    January 18th - Closing Ceremony



monthly payment plans are available as needed

VIP Upgrade: Elevate Your Emotional Mastery through 1:1

Experience the Power of Personalization

Let’s be real, babe. While the group setting offers a supportive community and beautiful collective energy, by the nature of the material, you will likely get triggered. The triggers are gold - AND often in the group we won’t have the time to tend to them they way they deserve. The VIP upgrade will take your journey to a whole new level. This option will allow you to dive even deeper into your emotional landscape, and work with your unique experiences, challenges, and goals that show up in the group.

You’ll receive:

  • Tailored Guidance: In a 1:1 session, you receive direct, personalized feedback and guidance. This means we can focus exclusively on your specific emotional blocks, helping you move through them more quickly and effectively.

  • Deeper Exploration: These private sessions allow us to go deeper into your personal history, triggers, and emotional patterns. We can spend time uncovering and healing the root causes of emotional suppression that may not be fully addressed in a group setting.

  • Accelerated Growth: The focused attention you receive in 1:1 sessions means that your progress is often faster and more profound. We can customize the practices and exercises to your needs, ensuring that you’re getting exactly what you need to move forward.

  • Enhanced Accountability: 1:1 sessions provide unmatched accountability. With regular personalized sessions, you’re more likely to stay committed to your emotional mastery and see the lasting changes you desire.

Why Upgrade?

If you’re serious about mastering your emotions and fully stepping into the life you desire, the VIP option is the ultimate investment in yourself. Remember, mastering your emotions is the number one most important piece to create fulfillment in your relationships, your work, your health, your wellbeing.

Private sessions will offer you the opportunity for more profound transformation, faster results, and a completely customized approach to your emotional healing journey.

If you are ready to commit to your growth at the highest level, ensuring that no emotional stone is left unturned, this is for you. Let’s make sure you receive the dedicated attention you deserve on your path to emotional freedom.

4 virtual 90 minute private sessions with Jenna


What they’re saying…

Don’t let another day pass feeling disconnected from your body and chained by the should’s and could’s of society. This is your invitation to reconnect with your true self, restore your energy, and experience life the way you know you are meant to.

It’s time to unlock your Emotion Codes…

from Suppression to Expression.